Bonus your training with FUNDAE and Foxize Cloud

Bonus your training with FUNDAE and Foxize Cloud

At Foxize Cloud we have been working so that the LMS platform complies with all the technical requirements required by FUNDAE so that the training you offer meets the criteria applied by the State of Public Employment Service.

These requirements are divided into 5 broad categories:

  1. Technical requirements

  2. Training organization

  3. Activity log

  4. Communication tools and,

  5. Educational content

Let's see them in detail.

Technical requirements

  • Interactivity: Foxize Cloud guarantees interaction between participants and tutors, and between participants through the forums and chats available in each course.

  • Possess licenses for the use of the platform: When contracting a plan, you can use Foxize Cloud to offer training for your company or clients.

  • 24x7 availability: Foxize Cloud is a SaaS (software as a service) in the cloud, so users can access the training platform from anywhere and anytime, just like administrators.

  • Allow users simultaneous access to the platform's courses, guaranteeing their viewing and completion.

  • Accessibility: The Foxize Cloud platform complies with Double-A accessibility, passing the W3C controls. In addition, the platform is responsive, so it allows access to its content from any device and browser.

  • Backup: Foxize Cloud backs up the database every day, thus ensuring data recovery in the event of a system failure.

  • Data protection: in Foxize Cloud we offer a section to be able to write the privacy policies and protection of personal data introduced in the platform, in accordance with Organic Law 15/1999 of December 13th.

  • Multimedia support: Our LMS platform supports multimedia file such as video, audio and image, required by Fundae, as well as SCORM, tests, exercises, downloadable documentation, links, etc.

Training organization

  • Course didactic guide: Foxize Cloud offers you a space in the course files to write everything you need regarding the training: objectives, summary of contents, operation methodology, etc.

  • Help system: On the training website we provide strategic spaces (contact, footer, search engine) so that students can easily get in touch with the team via email. In addition, from the administrator platform we have a huge repertoire of guides and FAQs about the LMS that is constantly growing and technical assistance accessible from the "Help" widget.

Activity log

Foxize Cloud allows you to monitor each user and their activities within the platform.

  • Student connection time when taking a course.

  • Traceability of the student: create sequenced courses so that the student must go through and view all the content, in addition to being able to control what materials they have made and the percentage of the progress.

  • Learning control: The administrators of the platform can control the progress of each user's course. In addition, a course will not be given as finished until it has completed at least 75% or has passed a final evaluation test.

  • Tutorial assistance: In Foxize Cloud you will find various mechanisms so that the tutor can contact his students, through the forum and chat or through email.

  • Interactivity: Participants can interact with each other through the chat and forum to solve their doubts, collaborate, perform exercises, etc. You will find all the relevant data of your training in the administrator platform, and you can download them in Excel format in each course, to facilitate the management with the inspector.

Communication tools

  • Forum and chat

  • Others: Foxize Cloud has an email marketing tool, to send automatic emails to the users of the platform.

  • View online users: If activated, in each course you can see which users are online and chat with them.

Educational content

According to FUNDAE's requirements, the training content offered must be interactive, that is, include a diversity of materials with audiovisual content and not just PDFs or downloadable content, and be available through the platform.

In Foxize Cloud you will find great diversity of content in the materials that you can offer in your courses:

  • Videos up to 1.5MB or inserted through an embed code.

  • Zoom to host webinars or tutorials.

  • File downloads such as pdf, ppt, excels, etc.

  • Link to other web pages

  • Assessment tests to assess students knowledge

  • Text and upload files for students to do exercises

  • Scorm to import courses from other platforms

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