Guide to create a live course in Foxize Cloud

Guide to create a live course in Foxize Cloud

In this guide we will show you step by step how to create your classroom course from Foxize CloudThe first part is very similar to uploading an online course. If you already have experience creating the course file, you can go directly to the second phase: create an edition.

1- Create a course

In your "Daily Management" menu you will find the "Course" section. To start your own course, click on the "+ Create new course" button.

Fill in the course file: Before adding all the syllabus and material, you must create the course file. To do this, enter the name, the subject and sub-subject (which you can create from scratch) and the type (online or face-to-face course).

You must add which "teacher will" teach the course. Create a profile, and it will be automatically added to the teacher database and can be reused for other courses you teach.

So that the user can better know if the course you offer is well adapted to their needs, you have the option of describing at what "level of demand" and knowledge the course requires. We offer 3 levels:

  • Beginner: It is not necessary to have previous knowledge to take the courses, although having experience in this matter is a plus to be able to apply the concepts more easily.

  • Intermediate: Attendees must have basic knowledge and / or experience in the area.

  • Advanced: Attendees must have previous knowledge and experience in this matter to be able to deepen the subject.

The duration of the course is divided into hours and minutes. You must enter the total duration of the course, regardless of the sessions it may have. In face-to-face courses, the date and place will be defined in the "Edition" section, which we will talk about in point 2.

To get the most out of it and help you promote it, you can edit the SEO of each course.

In the "Course introduction" section, you can write a brief summary of what your students will find. While in the section "Description of the course" you can list all the concepts, topics and sessions that they will find and the methodology that will be used to teach the classes: If it is a masterclass, workshop, with exercises, etc. format. For face-to-face courses, we recommend that you mention the different sessions, the timings and breaks that they will have, as well as the necessary material that the participants have to bring to follow the course (computer, notebook, etc).

Finally, add a representative image of your course, we recommend websites such as Unsplash or Pexels, where you will find creative commons and royalty free images.

If you activate the option "Access to documentation only with evaluation", the user will only be able to download the course document at the end of it and giving it an evaluation. You can use it if you are interested in incentivizing valuations. In face-to-face courses, an automated email will be sent with a survey. You will find the evaluations made by your students in the "Evaluations" section under "Courses".

We also recommend that you upload an introductory videoof the course, as it will be visible to those who are not registered and it is a good way to capture theattention user'sin less than 1 minute.

Once you have entered all the necessary content for your online course, remember to activate the box "Active" so that the course appears on the front end of your school.


Once the course file is completed, we have to define the editions. To do this, we will create an edition of the course from the course list, in the actions column.

A course can have as many editions as are necessary. In face-to-face courses, the edition corresponds to the date and place where the training will take place, in addition to other variables such as the teacher, price, or capacity.

In the case of face-to-face courses, it is very important to control the capacity. The capacity is the number of registrations that are made. When this matches the capacity number, the course will appear as "Sold Out" and no more people will be able to enroll in it. If you want to increase the number of attendees, you can modify the capacity value afterwards.

Start date and time:You must enter the start date and time of your training. In the course file you can describe the duration of each block and the breaks.

In addition to the city where the course takes place, you must also add the place (a venue, a room of your organization ...). You can use a previously created one or create one from scratch.

You have a database in "basic definitions" with all the places you have used to take your courses. You can add new places from this section or directly from the edition.

The option "Service projects" indicates if this course belongs to a project for companies. In another guide we will explain in more detail the two types of service projects: "Incompany" and "Unlimited". In this guide we explain how they work.

We will also add the course documentation, if there is one. The documentation is the written guide that will accompany the training. It can be a document, a presentation, a participant guide, etc.

In the edition we can also enable the option to show the comments of the course and the edition in the web tab. For face-to-face training, we can decide if we want the comments of all the editions to be shown or only of certain ones. For example, if we teach a course in Madrid and Barcelona but we only want Madrid's comments to be shown, we will activate only the "show edition comments" box. If we want the comments from Madrid and Barcelona to appear, we will also activate the "Show course comments" box.

You can find all the comments made by the students in the "Comments" section in "Daily management".

So that your users can see the edition of this course in your school's catalog, remember to check the box "Active".

The editions of a course will appear in your backend in a list. You can edit the editions whenever you want by clicking on the "Actions" button for each edition.

It may be that the same course takes place in several cities or on different days. If so, we will have to create an edition for each of them. For example, we will carry out a course in Madrid and another in Barcelona. To do this, create an edition of the course with place "Madrid" and another edition with place "Barcelona".

If you will carry out several editions of the same training, we recommend that you activate theoption "grouping of course editions" that you will find in"Initial configuration > Training and complements"This feature prevents users from seeing the same course thumbnail repeated in the course catalog for each city. Instead, they will see a single course and when clicking on the tab there will be a drop-down menu to be able to choose the city and obtain the information of date, time and place.


Recently, in Foxize Cloud we have implemented the option to add materials to your face-to-face courses. This can be useful for adding extra exercises, video compilations of the session, or previous evaluations.

To add a material, you must first create a Topic, accessing the "Topics and Materials" section of the edition.

Topics are the modules that make up your course. Each topic will talk about a specific content and will have its own material. Give it a name and a short description to guide the user on what to find.

Once created, you can add the material of the theme. There are 4 types of material:

  • Download: everything that the user can download, such as presentations or exercises.

  • Link: Add an interesting and relevant link to expand the content of the topic.

  • Test: In Foxize Cloud you can create tests from the same LMS platform and be able to assess and test the knowledge of your students. You can even put a cut-off mark so that you cannot finish the course without having passed the test.

  • Video: The basis of every online course and of greater importance. At Foxize Cloud we use Vimeo to host your videos. The weight of the video is limited to 750 MB. Keep in mind your users' Internet connection may vary, so we recommend making short and optimized clips.

Depending on the type of material you select, you will have different options, such as uploading a file or adding a link. It is important to name the material so that the user can identify what it is about, for example "Exercise documentation" or "Module documentation". If you want, you can also add a short description.

What you write in the "Action text" section will be where the user must click to access the material. For example, for downloadable exercises it can be "Download material" and for the links "Access".

Remember to activate the box "Active" so that the user can access the material.

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