Homepage Header: the header is responsive, so a large image size will be necessary. Make sure that it's optimized so as not to affect the loading time of the page. In the event that you don't like how it is shown on mobile screens, you have the option of adding a different image.
Logged in homepage Banner: on desktop it must be 750px wide x 330px high. In this case, the images are not responsive, so you must upload a mobile version with a size 346px wide x 152px high.
Hompage Testimonials: the image is 1,140px wide x 450px high.
Homepage Thematic block: this space is designed to upload icon-like images that represent the themes of the courses that are going to be offered. The size of the images is 90px x 90px.
Courses: the size of the course images is at least 200 x 200 px. This image will also appear on social media when the post is shared on Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn.