Highlights are the first thing that registered users will see when they enter your online school, so they are very useful to highlight new courses, new offers or motivational messages. In addition, you can link them to other pages, so they can lead to a course or to a page on your training platform or even an external one.
Some examples:
Course promotion
Test promotion
Motivational quotes
Featured blog
To create and manage home banners with login, you must access Daily management > Marketing > Banners.
Here you will find the list of active banners on your platform and you can create new ones by clicking on the "+create banner" button.
You must give it a name and upload the image you want to highlight. As the images are not responsive, you will have to create a banner for desktop and another one for mobile.
The sizes are:
Desktop: 750px width x 330px height.
Mobile: 346px width x 152px height.
You can add a link in the banner. If you do, we recommend that you include an image of a button in your creative to act as a CTA.
Finally, enter the order in which the banner will appear. When there is more than one banner, a carousel will be created automatically. That is why it is important to include it (the order).
You can activate or deactivate the images whenever necessary. A disabled banner means that it will not appear on the home page.
Testimonials and reviews encourage other users to take the course, so we recommend having them always active. For this reason, you will find a section on the main page of your training platform dedicated to them.
Creating a new testimonial is easy. Go to Daily management > Marketing > Testimonials and click on "Create new testimonial".
Write the name of the testimony, its comment and the order or appearance. Remember, if there is more than one testimonial, it will turn into a carousel.
If you want, you can also change the background image that appears. To do this, you must access "Settings > Appearance > Pages edition".