Materials are the main core of your e-learning courses and a perfect addition to your live classes.
In this guide we will show you the different types of materials you can find in your Foxize Cloud platform.
Downloadables are useful to complement your classes with pdfs, exercises, ebooks, templates, tutorials, guides and many, many more.
You can Link external or internal URLs that might be of interest to your students or to link to webinar sessions.
Tests are a great way to know if students are learning correctly. To add a test to your course, first you need to create it in "Daily management > test".
Videos are the main core of your e-learning courses. You can upload a video file (upt to 1,5 GB) or embed an existing video from Youtube, Vimeo, or other video platforms.
Students can also respond to your exercises in the platform, filling a text box, or uploading their own file. These exercises can be evaluated by the teacher.
SCORM is an acronym for Sharable Content Object Reference Model. It's a pack that contains all the material of a course, making it easy to export and import to other platforms.
If you want to use scorm, first you need to hire a Cloud Scorm plan and then email us to so we can activate the Scorm option.
You can create webinars with Zoom and integrate them to your platform. You'll have to create a new meeting or webinar in Zoom and copy the ID to your materials.