New course page

New course page

The new course file is now available for your training platforms. We wanted to modernize its image, make it more visual and, above all, improve the user experience.

  • Editable Header: Change the background color of the course header and title.

  • Course description: A section has been added in the description of bullet points course information, so that you can enter the course syllabus or the main concepts that your students will learn.

  • Introductory video: The introductory video is now located at the top right of the tab. It will be one of the first things that the user will see when entering it. In the event that the course does not have an introductory video, the price of the course will appear at the top.

  • Course data:This section is now much more visual.

  • Materials tab: When a person signs up for the course, they will have access to the new course materials tab. There you will find all the videos, documents, downloads, links, etc. relevant to the course. Furthermore, the structure of this section has also changed. Now, the material is on the left, while on the right you will see the list of topics and materials and the percentage of progress of the course.

  • Chat and forum tab: Forums and chat are a very useful tool to streamline the course and continue training beyond e-learning videos or webinars. Users enrolled in a course will have access to the forum, where they can ask their questions, help each other or receive new information from the teacher.

This version has been activated automatically for all online schools. If you want to restore the old version, email us to with your request, and we will change it.

On the other hand, we have also added the new functionality "Registration Form" to the courses. If this option is activated when creating or editing a course, users must leave their contact information in the course file to receive more information about it.

Finally, we are currently working on a new section for the courses: "Forum", a meeting point for students of the course. It will be available soon.

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