Why can't I upload my image?
Check that the image has not exceeded the 1MB limit.
Some useful tools to reduce the weight of your images:
- Compressor.io
- Image Resizer
- FileOptimizer
- ImageOptim
- Trimage
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Image Sizes
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Can students upload audio or video as exercises?
Yes, in addition to Word and PDF documents, students can upload video and audio files in response to an exercise. The size of these files should not exceed 2Gb.
What is the limit of videos that I can upload on my Foxize Cloud platform?
There is no limit to the number of videos you can have on your training platform, so you can upload as many as necessary for your courses. Remember that the weight limit per video is 1.5 GB.
Can teachers upload materials to the course?
No, only platform administrators can edit course topics and materials. If you wish, you can create a collaborator account in the backoffice for the teacher, although they will have access to all courses.
Can I put individual photos in testimonials?
No, you can only upload a single image that will appear as a background in the testimonial block.