9 tools to capture your screen and webcam simultaneously
E-learning videos can have quite different formats depending on the needs of the course, the message, or the brand image. Sometimes, in e-learning videos, the teacher figure has more presence, other times, a presentation, or the computer screen does. ...
10 activities to boost your training
Delivering training has evolved through the years, especially in this digital context. The training model is tending towards a more dynamic and digital aspect. For example, masterclasses are divided into 80% theory and 20% practical exercises, while ...
How to apply storytelling in your classes
Have you ever attended a course in which the teacher goes around the bush and at the end of the session has only taught ? of the content of that training? Can you imagine this happening in an online course? Users take online courses because they ...
10 tips to manage your students' attention
Knowing how to keep the attention of your students is as important as creating impeccable training content, but sometimes can be challenging. Whether you are more about online courses or face-to-face courses, we are giving you 10 tips to make your ...
How to measure the impact of your training
What is not measured, does not improve. As trainers, we want to make the training experience as comprehensive and effective as possible, and for this it is very important to measure the impact they cause. Every course we take without collecting data ...
7 essential skills any trainer must have
Do you want to start your own training school? Are you looking for teachers to star in your online or face-to-face courses? Not all people are trained to teach, so we propose these 7 essential characteristics that a trainer must have. This way you ...
Recommendations to define your diagnostic tests
Diagnostic tests are a great tool to find out what your users' level of knowledge is regarding a topic, and to be able to automatically recommend courses to help them develop the knowledge they need to reinforce. In addition, the diagnostic tests ...
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